Everything You Need to
Run Your MUN.

Our system integrates multiple features, providing easy
access to position papers, resolutions, attendance, and awards.

Forget the hassle of paperwork,
email, and phone calls.

Create your Councils

Easily create your conference's councils and delegations.

Once registration closes, you can allow chairs, delegates, and runners to choose their own councils.

Alternatively, you may choose to assign them manually.

Invite other Institutions

You may choose to only open registration to certain Schools or Universities. We allow you to formally invite their MUN directors to manage their own students.

Alternatively, you may choose to disregard this feature and open registration to the public. In that case, applicants would not be associated to an institution.

Customize Your Site

We believe that every MUN has different requirements and expectations, so we have specifically designed our platform to be configurable in every way.

Logo, colors, page content, and email content. You name it.

Resolution Upload

All uploaded resolutions are automatically assessed and formatted automatically according to the standards *

Resolutions are shared with their councils so that chairs and delegates can access them digitally

Alternatively, you may choose print your resolutions.

Before uploading to ManageUN

After uploading to ManageUN

Our algorithm automatically guarantees stringent consistency in style and format.

Making Announcements

Engage with your attendees through targeted announcements.

We also send email notifications to your target audience automatically.

Assigning Awards

As an organizer, you define awards for chairs to assign to delegates.

Generating QR-Codes for Delegates

We assign QR-Codes to every participant. When scanned, the participant's profile page is opened.

We encourage printing the QR-Codes on participant badges.

Taking Attendance

Chairs have access to their council's roster and can take attendance online. Director account have access to the delegates and runners attendance list.

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